October 07, 2007

Fall pics

Here are the ripe hops umbels hanging from the grape arbor. I picked one and chewed on it while doing work around the yard and yep, tasted just like a good bitter pilsner, with lots of high notes that might not make it through the distilling process.

The blueberry bush has burst into flame.

The grapes ripened-- this variety is called 'Nero'. They taste pretty good too, except for the seeds.

This picture isn't related to the garden. I have spent a lifetime reading milk cartons and last week the milk carton had directions on how it could be folded to ease disposal/recycling. It takes about 10 seconds to make this cute package, once you know the trick.


At October 07, 2007 9:06 PM , Blogger rigtenzin said...

Those are very nice photos.

My family thinks I'm a nut for flattening the milk cartons before tossing them in the garbage. This proves there are other nuts like me out there.

At October 14, 2007 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you protect your blueberries and grapes from critters?

At October 18, 2007 7:11 AM , Blogger Matt_J said...

We put a net over the blueberries to keep the birds away. None of the animals seemed interested in the grapes, which may be strange but I suppose they hadn't seen them before. The main critters who ate the blueberries are related to me.

At October 18, 2007 8:00 AM , Blogger Matt_J said...

And when the bears are around it is enough to give them a stern glance. They are Swedish bears.


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